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Complexity of Simple Things @ Vajkard 3


But tell me, by Jupiter, what part of man’s life is that that is not sad, crabbed, unpleasant, insipid, troublesome, unless it be seasoned with pleasure, that is to say, folly? For the proof of which the never sufficiently praised Sophocles in that his happy elegy of us, “To know nothing is the only happiness,” might be authority enough, but that I intend to take every particular by itself.

Desiderius Esasmus – The Praise of Folly

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Chaos is the inner state of Nature. Chaos is a phenomena that we can imagines, we can describes formally under math formulas and we can figure it out as the end of certainty into the arrow of time. Chaos come from the alchemical research on the basics of lifeforms, the ancient enigma of life and the unpredictable activity of humans beans. Nature do not think chaos. Nature use chaos to interact with all hidden forces that are untied by the gravity.

Evolution of man can be seen as a manifestation of the chaotic recombination of gene’s sequences. The ability of human mind to think ans see chaos is the result of the interaction between the new form of human brain and the surrounding of the body that works as a multi sensorial interface with the environment and other human beings.
Chaos is related to an essential element of randomness that appear into the symbolic system of numbers, the beuty of flowers, the movement of atoms and the forces of universe. Ilya Prigogine in “The end of certainty” say that “we need not only laws, but also events that bring an element of radical novelty to the description of nature”, a new kind of kwowledge that lets human beings to face the unpredictable future dominated by communication technologies, money systems unable to think environmental sustainability and a flow of recombinant cultures emerging by the end of micro civilization all over the world.

The roots of chaos are disseminated in every culture in the planet Earth as the “the void at the beginning of creation”, an idea that brings into the mind confusion and disorder. In the Hopi language, an ancient american’s indians civilization, there is the world Koyanisquatzi, that means life out of balance, letting us to think to the moment we are living in. Communication technologies has filled the void at the beginning of creation with a perpetual present, speeding the meme of selfishness at every level of society whit the consequences of a proximal future where the human race is severely under the pressure of survival. Chaos is a natural state of mind for fullish human being. This folly gives alternative images of reality and bring to an higher understanding of life. Art, design, technologies and communication’s systems are the unpredictable phenomena of the human mind acting on the recombination of reality with human ideas.

References books and movies
[1] The end of centainty, Ilya Prigogine
[2] Koyanisquatzi, Godfrey Reggio

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